Private Teaching and Masterclasses
Karl is currently on faculty at the University of Toronto as a sessional instructor teaching trombone and jazz language. He has taught private lessons as well as classrooms and ensembles for over 15 years.
Karl’s approach to teaching has a strong focus on brass fundamentals and musicality. His lessons are divided between learning repertoire and trombone technique. Karl helps students grow as trombonists through educating as well as coaching in order to instill positive habits that will lead to more productive and enjoyable practice sessions. Karl is also well versed in many practice methods that will help students grow their enthusiasm and find longevity in their creative passions going forward. Karl believes that the way a teacher can stimulate effective growth in skill and passion are the result of two strategies:
1) Nurturing development; building on the success they have already achieved on the instrument. Helping them recognize the progress they have already made.
2) Challenging them with ideals and aspirations of the musician they can become; by giving increasing challenging, but gratifying goals that are tailor made to each student in order to help them reach the next level in their musical journey.
No “one size fits all.” Karl listens carefully to the concerns of his students and creates exactly the right plan that will help them grow as musicians, but also grow their own love and enthusiasm for the work.
The root meaning of the word “amateur” is the Latin word “amare” which means to love. Deriving love from the process of practicing and learning is the key to sustained growth in music.
Karl is available for private lessons online or in person
Feel free to contact at info@karlsilveira.com to inquire about lesson fees etc.